I tēnei marama o Hepetema, ka whakatūria ngā Pou Mārama tekau mā tahi ki te taha o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, hei whakanui, hei hāpai i te reo rangatira. Ko tētahi taha o ia pou ka whakaatu i te kaupapa o tēnei tau o Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, ‘Ake Ake Ake – He Reo Tuku Iho’. Ko ngā atu taha e toru ka hāpai i te kaupapa ‘Know Your Reo’ a WellingtonNZ, e tuku ana i ngā rerenga kōrero o te reo Māori kia taea ai te hunga o Te Whanganui-a-Tara me ngā kaitautoko o te kapa All Blacks te whakamahi i ia rā.

For the month of September, eleven Light Pou will be installed along the waterfront, celebrating and promoting te reo Māori. One side of each pou is dedicated to this year’s Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori theme of ‘Ake Ake Ake – A Forever Language’. The other three sides promote WellingtonNZ’s ‘Know Your Reo’ campaign, which provides useful reo Māori phrases that Wellingtonians and All Blacks supporters can use in everyday life.

Free Event