Kia manawanui mai, nā te huarere kua whakakorengia te Hīkoi mō te Reo Māori ki Te Whanganui–a–Tara. Unfortunately due to the weather the Māori Language Parade in Wellington will no longer go ahead.

Haere mai ki Pōneke e hoa mā, ki te hīkoi whakanui i te wiki o te reo Māori, ka tū ā te 16 o ngā rā o Hepetema. Hui mai ki te TSB arena hei te 9:30am, ka timata te hikoi i te ara moana, ā te 10:00am.

Mauria mai ō tohu whakanui i te reo Māori, ō haki, ō kara, kia hui tahi tātou, kia whakanui tahi tātou i te reo Māori. Ka horapatia katoatia te hīkoi ki te waiata, ki te kōrero, ki te pūngao nui o te iwi nui tonu e tautoko ana i te kaupapa.

Me tae ana ki te papa o Waitangi, ka rere tonu ngā waiata me ngā kōrero. Ko te kaupapa nei he mea tō mai i a Ngāi Pīkoko ki te reo, kia whakakitea mai tō rātou aroha ki tēnei taonga kāmehameha.

Kuhuna ō hū hīkoikoi, toro mai kia whakakitea, kia whakarangona te reo Māori, huri noa i te tāone.

E hoa mā, join us in Wellington on Monday, 16 September, for the return of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori parade. Gather with us at TSB Arena at 9:30am, ready to set off at 10am for a walk along the waterfront to Waitangi Park.

Bring your reo Māori signs, flags, and banners as we come together to celebrate and uplift te reo Māori. The parade will be filled with waiata, kōrero, and the energy of everyone united for a shared kaupapa.

As we reach Waitangi Park, the celebration will continue with more waiata and kōrero. This event is a powerful way to show your support for the language and be part of something meaningful.

Put on your comfortable walking shoes and join us. Let’s make this a day where te reo Māori is seen, heard, and felt throughout the city.

Free Event