Whai wāhi mai ki te kounga, ki te kairangi, o ngā arero whero o te reo Māori, ka tū ki te whakataetae whiringa whāiti o Waha Kōrero.

He mea tō mai a Waha Kōrero i ngā pūkōrero o te motu, he mea wero i a rātou ki te mura tonu o te ahi, he kōrero tene mō ngā kaupapa i whakatauria e ngā kaiwhakahaere, he mea whakamātau i ō rātou pūkenga, me tō rātou mārama ki te reo Māori. $20,000 ka whakawhiwhia ki te toa, ā, kāore e kore he whakataetae nui kei te haere.

Toro mai ki tēnei kaupapa, e haere tahi nei te reo Māori me te wairua whakataetae. Whai wāhi mai ki te ihi te wehi me te wana o ngā pūkōrero. Kei mahue i a koe tēnei kaupapa nui whakaharahara, otirā he kaupapa hou. Prepare to witness the sharpest minds and quickest tongues in te reo Māori at the thrilling finals of Waha Kōrero.

Prepare to witness the sharpest minds and quickest tongues in te reo Māori at the thrilling finals of Waha Kōrero.

Waha Kōrero brings together native and highly proficient speakers, each challenged to think on their feet, delivering impromptu speeches on set topics that test their quick wit and deep understanding of the language. With a $20,000 prize pool on the line, the competition will be intense, and the speeches extraordinary.

Join us for an event where the beauty of te reo Māori meets the excitement of live competition. Feel the tension and passion as each competitor steps up to share their thoughts, insights, and love for the language. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this groundbreaking event.